
Oh, the joy

First blogger in a while...whole new name, unsure of what direction...but, it's been years and, my oh my, how things have changed.

Have a new place and am still unpacking and sorting and, egads, still discarding.


Got two of these...they'll come in handy for...um...things. And conversation starters! Certainly that!

A lot of stuff like this:

the second load of donatables...en totale

...was donated. And when I say a lot...there is no exaggeration. Some, though, was just left haphazardly near the old building's dumpsters and, amazingly, people did come by and go through it all and take what they wanted.

I, meanwhile, get to see this on a pretty regular basis:

Comiskey or the Cell...old-timers know it as Comiskey

I'm *not* a Sox fan...and that feels like a betrayal. Does it help that I've been to more of their games than to Cubs games? No? Well, pfft! on you! ;)

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